ePrescription repeat on A5 paper
Option for ePrescription repeat to print on the blank A5 paper.

Released July 2023 https://webhelp.fred.com.au/dispense/Release%20Notes/dispense-2023-july.htm
Jacqueline Johnstone commented
In Aquarius we had an option to set the Paperless (eScript) repeats printer to A5 blank paper on the MP tray of our kyocera. It worked a treat - no more cutting down A4 sheets, wasting paper and time or changing paper sources.
Adam commented
Our pharmacy would like to dispense on blank A5 paper - doesn't have to be the yellow repeats
Jordan commented
I've read responses from Jason (Product Fred IT Manager) that E-Script repeat paper CANNOT be printed on the Yellow A5 Repeat paper due to Australian Regulations which is completely understandable. I have also compared between E-Script repeats and Yellow A5 repeat paper and realised the E-Script repeat format will not fit onto the Yellow A5 repeat paper REGARDLESS therefore, I suggest the following solution.
(Note: E-Script repeats are printed onto A4 and only takes up HALF the page = A5)
Allow a printer tray selection setting/feature for E-Script repeats. Rather than having to rip away/fold half of the A4 paper (=Wasting half the page of paper).
Install an additional tray with PLAIN white A5 paper (for e.g tray 3) and set A5 E-Script repeat paper tray to tray 3. Now all E-Script repeat paper will be printed to perfect A5 size without the waste of half an A4 page.
To stop pharmacy's that are unaware of the Australian regulations prohibiting yellow repeat paper with E-scripts repeats: When setting up the E-script tray selection, Install a large RED popup explaining that yellow A5 repeat paper CANNOT be used in this tray and create a check box stating the pharmacy admin understands and agrees before continuing.
I understand it is a hassle having to register/login to vote, but I assure you this could be a very helpful feature ! Please vote if you think this might be useful for your pharmacy!
Masa T commented
Some sites just want the ability to print repeat tokens on A5 normal white paper as printing it on A4 is just wasteful. They won't be using yellow repeat authorization forms.
TH commented
Hi Jason, is there anyway we can ask them to allow us? as it would save a lot of time and resources for pharmacies. Also, can we get it set so that the script details like dosage, frequency, quantity etc. to be printed on the ePrescriptions too?