General Dispensing flow
When displaying History after selecting patient, the panel on the right is locked and unable to click MyHR or MySL at all until Esc is pressed, to continue to the "dispensing screen"
When in dispensing screen, previous dispense history not showing adequate information (directions)
In terms of visual display middle panel (allergy, account, warnings, etc) takes up too much space. This could be minimised after collapsing/reducing size of top and right hand side banner, so that the more important visuals (dispensing details/ pt history) can be easily viewed.
Very inconvenient having to always have to "Esc" to switch from "history" screen to "dispensing" screen, doesn't flow..
Everything is same font same size, Pt Hx should be displayed more prominently to avoid visual fatigue and dispensing error

Jenny commented
When editing script, "Tab" key doesn't work at "Reg25" box.