Feedback on new feature 'Schedule a statement Charge/fee for a group of accounts'
Happy New Year everyone!
I'd just like to flag with the team my recent troubles with the newly added feature (I believe it was added in 5.2). After attempting to add a recurring account fee for a group of patients for a specific time at the end of the month, I noticed that after the specified time on the day set, this charge did NOT go through as intended. I did follow the guide posted on the knowledge base, so I don't think I set it up wrong, but maybe I did?
Thankfully I was able to get around this issue through the use of the quick action function (Love this feature btw), which I was very thankful. But none the less, I just wanted to flag this issue as I know the scheduled account fee feature IS new and in this instance was not working as intended for my specific use case.
Please let me know if you need me to submit more information, I am more than happy to assist in making FRED+ better.
Thank you.