Users and roles screen - improvements
The following are some issues in Dispense Plus Roles which can be improved:
a) By default, there are three roles. One of which is the Managing Pharmacist who can add new users and assign roles to users. However, because there is no restriction on the default roles - users are able to modify these as they wish.
-this can lead to inconsistencies between roles between pharmacies in the same group
-it can also lead to users accidentally disabling the Managing Pharmacists ability to add users/set roles (this causes the Add button and the Roles tab to be unavailable and cannot be undone via the UI)
Perhaps we can have prevent the 3 default roles from being modified.
b) When setting user to a role - the user must go into Roles > select a role first and then tick the user. The Roles screen can be confusing for users needing to complete this action in the above sequence as users will be seeing a list of roles, a list of permissions and a list of users and will not be sure what they are suppose to be setting.
-this has lead to users setting multiple roles per user ie a single user is allowed to have more than 1 role which does is also questionable
Thanks for the suggestion - we'll look to improve this in the future