114 results found
2 votes
Thank you for your feedback, we plan to address this in the near term
Additional filters for PBS warnings like in FRED Classics
Additional filters for PBS warnings like in FRED Classics where you can select the irrelevant ones like Safety Net warnings and clear it, so that the important ones like correct Medicare numbers found can be actioned on.
63 votesThanks for the suggestion, we'll look to include this in a future release
Multipack Pricing For Dispensary Exports/Imports Enhancement to Accommodate 60 Day Supply Changes
The option to include multipack pricing for dispensary lines that are now 60 day supply is an important feature needed when dispensing to non-concessional patients. This enhancement will be a popular request for many stores.
6 votesThank you, great suggestion, this is in our backlog
Centralised control of drug alert notifications in Fred Dispense Plus
As a multisite pharmacy group, we want to centralise the configuration and control of drug alert notifications in Fred Dispense Plus across all our sites. Currently, each pharmacy configures these notifications independently. We envision a system where important drug alert messages can be managed from our head office and automatically distributed to all our retail pharmacies.
1 voteGood idea, this is in our backlog for 2024
New Script required report for Facility to allow "Print one Presciber per page"
Facility report for "new script required" does not allow for "Print One Prescriber per page" option > would like this trigger available for this report
3 votesThanks, great idea
Drug Listing Report
Would like the ability to export, to excel/word/pdf a report that replicate the Classic Drug Listing, https://webhelp.fred.com.au/freddispense/help-topics/report-drug-listing.htm
Report should contain
Fred Code
Drug Description
Price (Private/PBS/S3 - depending on filters)
Wholesale PriceThis can be used to review pricing margins and markups of list cost.
15 votes -
Repeats Held File Number
When setting "repeats held" there should be a field where you can enter a file number for the repeats and this information should be displayed at the top of the screen where the "repeats held" line is
38 votesThanks for the idea, we'll look to include this in a future release.
minimum price for private scripts
As the title suggests, a minimum price for private scripts is desirable.
27 votesThanks for the suggestion, we'll look to include this in a future release
Edit Repat prescription
We are still having issues with Repat prescriptions. If you try and edit a script, all the authority details are lost and have to be re-entered. And the converting to Private instead of Repat is still happening. Is there an ETA on when this issue will be fixed please?
6 votes -
Ability to manually delete/clear rejection and non-transmitted messages from PBS claim screen
In some cases, PBS will return rejections which cannot be cleared.
Eg 'R 312 The prescription could not be cancelled as it could not be found'In Fred Classic, these can be manually deleted - however, in Dispense Plus users cannot remove these records as the script has been cancelled.
This affects their PBS status tile - leaving it Red for the remainder of the claim instead of Yellow/Green.
Also, Cancelled non-transmitted records cause the same issue as the record is stuck as 'cancelled - non-trans' for the remainder of the claim - affecting the PBS status tile.
12 votes -
Resubmit multiple scripts at once
The ability to resubmit multiple scripts at once like FRED classic with a single button so we can do it before we close claim just in case something hasn't been processed properly whilst PBS has been down
14 votesThanks for the suggestion, we'll look to implement in a future release
Customised PBS fees do not apply to mixtures that require users to add water
Mixtures that require users to add water (eg Amoxil 250mg/5ml) are considered extemp for PBS pricing purposes
Because of this, the customized PBS fees, which are only for ready-prepared items, do not apply when dispensing those mixtures
Users want the customized PBS fees to apply for mixtures too
9 votesThanks for the suggestion, we'll look to include this in a future release
"Next" button in Administration > Drugs screen
In Administration > Drugs screen, when users want to update the patient price for a drug in each strength (such as Crestor 5mg, 10mg, 20mg, and 40mg), users need to re-type the drug name each time to bring up the different strength.
There should be a "Next" button in Administration > Drugs screen so that system displays the next item without needing to re-type the drug name.
14 votesGreat suggestion, we'll look to implement in a future release.
dispensing for animals
Selecting Animal as a title should automatically set the medicare consent to No and Always dispense as private. There should also be a field for the animal species and the owner's name.
17 votesThanks for the suggestion, we'll look to include this in a future release.
Option enable small label printing for OTC items
When users dispense OTC items in Dispense Plus, there is no option to enable small label printing for that item,
The small label printing option is only available for items in Fred Drug Database. Users would like the same option for OTC items as well.
14 votesThanks for the suggestion, we'll look to include this in a future release. In the meantime Own Brand Drugs might be a good option.
Integrate FRED NXT with DD Book (Modeus) for stock receival
Can you please integrate FRED NXT with Modeus DD Book, for receival of schedule 8 items. Modeus is integrated with FRED classic for this function, but not NXT.
This allows for less keying errors and reduces time spent entering S8 drugs line by line when receiving.
Thank you6 votes -
Prevent RTPM alerts/notifications displaying outside dispense/waitscreen
When a red or amber RTPM alert appears - users are forced to either clear the dispense screen or click on the alert in order to make it disappear.
If the alert is not cleared and the user accesses other screens ie Reports - the alert continues to remain on the screen and in some cases blocks buttons on these other screens.
14 votesThanks for the suggestion - we'll look to include this in a future release
Prescriber Bag: Directions
Directions are disabled when dispensing prescriber bag items, however some of the default sigs do not make sense. Either have no sigs and leave the directions empty, or allow editing.
5 votes -
Family Link at P.O.S
Links multiple patients at the Point of Sales, so you don't forget any patient scripts. And they walk out the front door without paying.
Eg. When you bring up the patient's scripts, it also brings up theirs, their spouse, their children, and their career.
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!
17 votesThanks for the suggestion - we'll look to include this in a future release
Filter is cleared after editing a script in PBS claim screen
After filtering rejected scripts in the PBS claim screen, editing one of the rejected scripts clears that filter. Users need to set the filter again to locate the remaining rejected scripts. This becomes very repetitive especially when there are many rejected scripts that need to be reclaimed. The system should remember the filter even after editing a script.
8 votesThanks for the suggestion, we'll look to implement in a future release
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