59 results found
Print Patient Dockets for Script Collection
"Print Patient Dockets for Script Collection" for scripts in and out use. used this feature in FD and would like to see it in Fred Dispense Plus. it was the best way to manage scripts coming into the pharmacy.
20 votesThank you for your feedback
disable F1 shortcut for Online Fred Help
F1 key is so close to F2, we keep on hitting on while trying to launch Patient History. if there is an option to stop F1 from launching internet browser > online fred help that would be amazing.
4 votesThank you for your feedback
Ability to change label offset or alignment
Same options to change X and Y offsets for Dispense labels and Address labels rather than adjusting through the print driver
22 votesThank you for your feedback. The printer driver does provide more control, but we will consider this for the future
FredPak - accidentally ceasing of medication upon scanning
When you are on a patient medication list page in Fred Pak, if you accidentally scan something, it will automatically cease the first medication on the top without any warning or confirmation. This has happened a few times and it is dangerous. Can this be fixed?
1 voteThank you for your feedback
Paperless - Search by script number
Medview Paperless - have the ability to search for scripts by script number and not just PBS claim number. The current settings makes it very time consuming to locate any private prescriptions which is a large portion of our compounding scripts.
33 votesThank you for your feedback
Connection parameter screen should not be editable
When the Server PC is rebooted, the connection parameter screen appears while the system connects in the background. This screen is currently editable, and users sometimes accidentally delete the parameters. To avoid needing support assistance, the user would like the parameters to be non-editable.
3 votesThank you for your feedback
1 vote
Thank you for your feedback
Minor details need to be improved
Arrow buttons are not used on Fred Plus:
For example: When deleting owing scripts, we can't use the arrow button to move 'YES' "NO" to save the owing deleted script on the profile.When you are editing the patient's profile and it was cut out into half from the computer screen, there is no way you could move the window so you could save the patient's profile. It's very frustrating because you have to close the whole thing down to start again.
2 votesThank you for your feedback
Adjustable notes on pharmacy receipts & invoices
We've been having issues with patients wanting to return medications for a refund.
It would be great if there is a field in dispense options to add permanent notes to pharmacy receipts& invoices from FRED (kind of like the editable ads you can print on the sides of repeat papers).A disclaimer that says "Pharmacy medications cannot be returned once collected. " would have really helped us.
7 votesThank you for your feedback
Please hide side bar, the information I dont use. FRED classic was sleek and easy on the eye
Please hide side bar, the information I dont use. FRED classic was sleek and easy on the eye. The actual dispensing area is significantly compressed as a result of a side bar that is not removable or even has a feature of hiding it. I very rarely need this side bar, the dispense information interface is compressed, it is horrific compared to FRED classic. Please action this urgently, there isnt a single time I dispense where I attempt to hide this silly necessary side bar
6 votesThank you for your feedback
PRF Label Options
Would like the same options as Fred Dispense Classic where you can enable/disable "print immediate supply necessary" on label
1 voteThank you for your feedback, can you please expand on the reasoning for this
integrate with scypt pay or some kind of payment gateway
Z can now integrate with Srypyt (which Fred has been "gunna" do for about 3 years). They can now text for payment and it links directly to the til. Would make deliveries and things that we send out SO much easier
2 votesThank you for your feedback
FRED videos - playback speed 1.5x or 2x
Can all the videos on the FRED website (dispense, office etc) have playback speed added to them, so we can watch the videos on 1.5x or 2x and thus save time.
3 votesThank you for your feedback
Naturopath listed as a prescriber
We get scripts from naturopaths who do not have a prescriber number so the only way around it is to have them as a casual prescriber.
Either have a Naturopath in the drop down list or an 'other'.
5 votesThank you for your suggestion
allergy loading to MyHR automatically
In Classic, we could add the allergies to a patients My Health Record (myHR). We can now see allergies from MyHR in Dispense Plus but not have any that we list locally add to the MyHR.
2 votesThank you for your suggestion
wish Fred Dispense Plus brings all the display features from Fred Classisc. So much easier to dispense and identify .
Bring back the the display features from Fred CLassic. So much easier to navigate
2 votesThank you for your feedback. Can you please be more specific as we aren't sure what you are asking for
Print bulk address labels from facility reports
Under facility reports it'd be really useful to have a function to print address labels for each patient listed in the selected facility rather than having to find each patient and print individually
2 votesGood suggestion, thank you
Negative patient price
In Fred Dispense Classic, users had the ability to set a negative value for patient price, which is not permitted in Fred Dispense Plus. Users are interested in having the option to set a negative value as an acceptable patient price in Fred Dispense Plus. They find this feature valuable when they need to issue credits or refunds to patients for various reasons, as it also allows them to maintain a record of these transactions within the patient's profile. Using the "miscellaneous" item in the POS register to give refunds or credits is not an ideal alternative, as it can…
4 votesThanks for your feedback
"SE" and "NR" sigs should be removed automatically if it's the last repeat dispensing
Fred Dispense Plus should automatically remove "SE" and "NR" sigs from the direction field if it's the last repeat dispensing
18 votesThanks, great idea
Remove Character Limit for Adress Labels
In the most recent update the a character limit was imposed on the address label optional message. We use this field extensively for our nursing home codes and deliveries. Please change it back to how it was before.
2 votesThank you for your feedback
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