Dispense Plus - ability to set alternate dispense price or discounts for different patient groups/facilities
Some pharmacies require the ability to be able to adjust pricing for different patient groups ie nursing homes, DAA patients, community patients.
For example -
Pharmacy A gives 10% discount on all OTC items to their webster pack patients.
Currently, they have set this up by applying a general 10% discount on the patients Fred Office account which will automatically apply 10% discount on items scanned at the POS.
User has suggested that it would be useful if Dispense Plus could detect the account's discount status and apply this 10% discount for question mark OTC items at the point of dispensing - then the item no longer needs to be scanned at the POS and it also shows the OTC item in the dispense history.
*this requested feature is similar to affiliate pricing which allowed for
-alternate pricing to be applied to all patients within a facility/patient group
-either via an item specific discount, a global group discount or alternate set price
Thanks for the post, we’ll add it to the backlog of items