Schedule recurring charge to account - Packing, DAA, Webster
Request for the ability to schedule ongoing fee/charge to customer accounts for services such as DAA packing fee. Would be useful to be able to apply the schedule to individual accounts, account groups OR nursing home groups.

Reopening this to further look into the options to credit, and different options to filter the accounts to apply to.
Allen commented
I have an issue with running this
The only way we can group patietns for scheduled charging is to group them into a nursing based on their packing cycle
This is done in both FRED Dispense and OFFICE 5.2.
However grouping them in a nuursing homw only allows the billing address for the nursing home to appear on the monthly statement. Therefor we cant run this using the nursing home filter if we need to mail the statement to individual addresses.
WE would need to run the schedule nased on groups but thats less ideal because the group needs to manually kept up to date with removal and addition of names -
Allen commented
the new 5.2 update only allows us to apply debit charges,
some patients don't pay for packs so we need to run another scheduled credit on top that also credits those patients account.
Alternatively we need to be able to setup another nursing home so we can seperate the patients that don't pay. The new nursing home needs to be able to apply autocharge - currently only default acount types work with autcharge which is too limiting.
Some patients can't be moved from the nursing home because of integrations with nursing home software. Therefore being able to apply a credit would be a better work around