538 results found
Make Patients Inactive
Ability to 'inactivate' patients instead of making them deceased. For nursing home dispensing, when patients are discharged, we require a inactivation features to avoid old patients being included in reports.
2 votesThank you for your feedback
Patients profile display and selection
Currently, when there are multiple patients with the same last name, typing in the last name alone (ie Smith) brings up their profiles in random order. The user would like the system to display the names in alphabetical order based on the patients' first names in this scenario. This change would allow for easier identification and selection of the desired patient profile when there are multiple patients sharing the same last name.
2 votesThank you for your feedback
Serial sticker for authority scripts
Currently, when a script is an authority script, the system prints the letter "A" in front of the claim category (e.g., "AG" for Authority General Script). However, the user finds this irrelevant and confusing for sorting purposes. The user wishes to just have the letter "G" printed for any general script including the authority script. This change would make it easier for people to sort the scripts based on their claim category.
2 votesThank you for your feedback
2 votes
Thank you for your feedback
Safety net issuing pharmacy
When we input an external safety net card number it would be good to have an extra field to add the external pharmacy name and number so that if there are any rejection issues ie paperwork not submitted to the PBS we can easily contact them if needed, especially if we have had that number in our system for quite a while and the patient has misplaced their card.
2 votesThank you for your suggestion
Highlight or alert for when scripts are close to expiry in Patient History
It's great you have the script prescribed date in the patient history when you bring them up. Perhaps make the EXPIRED scripts and Close to Expiry scripts ( i.e. Prescribed date) more visible e.g. bold or different colour. This will alert dispensers to remind customers too . Right now all the text are the same font/bolding so makes it hard.
2 votesThank you, good idea
Report on final check statistics
User would like an option to generate a report on scripts that are final checked.
User wants something similar to the "scan check statistics report" but for final checked scripts
2 votesGood suggestion, thanks
delivery diary/log
When we print address labels it asks about delivery, if we select things are for delivery can it then send it to a list/page/separate diary register about deliveries? Is there a way to set a recurring delivery. Eg we deliver a particular webster every Friday or every 2nd Friday etc
2 votesThanks for the feedback, let's see what others think
Defered script still showing as available in history after dispensed- so they are still listed in blue in the history, even though it has been dispensed. Once its dispensed can it not be blue any more? It makes it look like there is a new script that still exists
2 votesLet's see what others think
F2 patient history displays a record of historical events
F3 repeats remaining displays repeats that are available for dispensing
Indicator within history to identify which scripts are autocharging
2 votesThank you, good idea
Scan product barcode in Reporting drug search
In Drug reporting, would like to select drug for reporting by scanning product barcode in drug search
2 votesthanks, good idea
Diary to only show once per day per user
Diary to only appear once per day
If dispense terminals are shared by dispensary team. Each time initials are changed on a terminal (e.g. to edit a dispensing), diary reappears if there is a note for the day.
Would rather this diary not appear again for the day.2 votesCould you please add more context around the scenario? Once a user has already seen the diary on that terminal once for the day, it should not automatically reappear unless you were to quit Dispense during the day
Replace Warnings tile with eScript information
Is it possible to replace the Warnings tile with the eScript display information? This is so avoid needing to go into the script to see it.
2 votesLet's see what others think, suggest trying F10 FinalCheck as an alternative
print labels with number of box eg. pack 1 of 3
Ability to print on dispensary labels for multi-pack scripts - number of box eg. pack 1 of 3 ,,, etc
Will assist pharmacy and customers to determine how many boxes remain to be collected when entire supply cannot be provided 1 visit.
2 votesThanks, good suggestion
Regulation 24 owing (from a fax) scripts
When processing a fax prescription (as an owing) and the script is a regulation 24, the number of repeats cannot be entered to allow for the increase number of items the patient is entitled to. At the moment we are forced to claim the script, then go back after and process again as an owing.
2 votesThanks, good suggestion
sig "se" "Script expires after <DATE>" should be "Script expires ON <DATE>"
The default sig "se" - "Script expires after <DATE>" should be "Script expires ON <DATE>". Because the script actually expires ON the date of script written 6 months (S8) or 12 months (S4) after.
For eg. we were trying to dispense an S8 script written back in 19/10/2022 on 19/4/23 but the escript had become inaccessible as the system recognised it as expired.
Is it possible to amend your programming to reflect that?
2 votesHi
We couldn't reproduce this issue and haven't had anyone else report this issue.
You should be able to dispense it on the 19/4/2023. If this ever happens again, can you please contact our help desk so that we can troubleshoot the issue. UserVoice isn't suited for troubleshooting issues
escripts load automatically for dispensing
When multiple escripts are scanned in, to have them load up automatically one after another ready to dispense
2 votesCan some more context please be added. You can already add multiple eScripts to a basket. Pressing the 'Q' key on the keyboard will load the next item for dispensing
MedView Paperless App credentials
Currently, credentials cannot be saved for MedView Paperless App in Fred Dispense Plus.
2 votesThanks, great idea
Round off PBS pricing
Round off PBS pricing
2 votesThanks, great idea
Medview Flow - consumer facing screen
Fast forward a few months and e-scripts now comprise 80% of workload. In all GOOD pharmacies there is a consumer-facing version of Medview Flow, not unlike the Tonic Media screens that plague pharmacies and medical centrees at the moment.
Patient names and prescriptions are de-identified. Patients would be able to see that their prescription is in process and have an ETA of when it will be ready.
This would work well in conjunction with the BIG red button idea (patent pending)I have also put forward.
The ADHA have removed the regulatory impediment and now paper scripts can also be put…2 votes
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