538 results found
Continued Dispensing Printing
Toggle Yes/No if you want to print out the Continued Dispensing Consumer Declaration and Prescriber Notification Form.
No other dispensing system requires this, probably better to remove altogether, as its a waste of paper.
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Allow bulk drug ranking based on top used drugs
Reintroduce the option to bulk drug rank top drugs from the "Ranked Drug List" report. Would like to periodically select top 200 drugs to be rank 1 based on usage
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Pricing for broken packs
Ability to set pricing for broken packs in a range rather than individually
e.g. Diazepam 5mg
quantities from 1 tablet to 49 tablets to be $X.XX5 votesThank you for your feedback
5 votes
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DVA/Repat Dispensing
Check if user wants to scan a product when dispensing a 'Blank' product under DVA/Repat Authority, to ensure stock on hand is accounted for.
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Expired DD scripts appearing/being able to scan into Medview
If Medview could recognise DD scripts as having a 6 month expiry that would allow an alert popping up when we go to scan it in to the queue as well as disappearing from MySl altogether.
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Final check from scan check screen
In ScanCheck pressing F10 should take you to the final check screen of that drug.
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PDE number on wait screen
Would it be possible to add the wholesaler PDE number to the screen that appears once the script is dispensed? Currently the label appears and the following tiles: coding sticker, warnings, safety net, CMI. It would be very beneficial for ordering products we do not keep and more importantly high cost fridge items which we cannot return. We usually dispense the item first obtain the PDE number and then use this to enter into our wholesaler portal to double check we have the correct product.
Currently we have to try and remember to obtain the PDE when dispensing the script…5 votesThank you for your feedback
Escripts to show "doctor's notes"
Request to have the Doctor's notes field appear in the eScript information box in Fred Dispense Plus. This information is available in other dispense softwares.
We had an incident where a psychostim script was missing CA authority. The prescriber was adamant that she had noted it down. We then dispensed the scripts at another pharmacy (different software) and could view the doctor had written the CA code in "doctors notes"
"Doctors notes" also shows up on medview. It would be helpful for it to appear on fred dispense plus too as we don't use medview often.
5 votesPrescriber annotations are displayed on both the annotations tile and the eScript. Can you please contact the Fred Help team so they can investigate this eScript
Dynamic Drug Ranking with highlighted drug rankings
Allow a hybrid drug ranking system during brand/drug search. I like the dynamic default rankings but would also like to see my high ranked drugs in a different colour
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Add a Select All and Update/Save from the eRx Patient Details prompt
When a script is scanned and the prompt to update patient details with that of the eRx details appear, add a Select all Difference and Update option.
Currently each difference needs to be ticked one by one. We find that the differences are not being updated as this is adding more time to the dispensing process.
it would also be helpful to auto save and close the Patient details to save another step, and prompt if there is information missing.5 votesThank you for your feedback
When switching users to dispense a script..
When switching users to dispense a script, the default field to complete is initials, would be faster if the default field is password
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We need a way to quickly email dispense history F2 and med profile CTRL+F4
we get multiple requests from hosptial every day and the current process in FRED is onerous and time consuming5 votesThank you for your feedback
Naturopath listed as a prescriber
We get scripts from naturopaths who do not have a prescriber number so the only way around it is to have them as a casual prescriber.
Either have a Naturopath in the drop down list or an 'other'.
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Shift Message on Address Label so it appears higher up
Added Message on Address Label prints too low on the main label. It is very easy to miss because it usually overlaps the red "Keep out of reach of children" line on the bottom.
Also, if the message is a little bit longer, it gets cut off from the label and part of it is missing.
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List of Scripts Report - Save a Customised Report
Adding the ability to Save a report that has been customised will save a lot of time for monthly reporting when using the List of Scripts Report.
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Hotkeys for Popular Suburbs
Like in Classic, can there be hotkeys for popular suburbs
5 votesThank you, good suggestion
Initials on repeat scripts
Currently, the dispenser's initials are printed on the repeat scripts. Users would like the responsible pharmacist's initials to print instead.
5 votesThanks for your feedback
Flag on the main dispense screen to indicate that a drug has a set price
Upon selecting a drug, the user wishes to have a clear visual flag on the main dispense screen indicating whether the chosen drug has a predetermined set price. This indicator should be visible without the need to navigate to the pricing tile or the F7 screen.
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Include default directions e.g. Take/Swallow whole/Inhale when using DD directions
Include the default drug form instructions (take, swallow whole, inhale) when using the dd Dr directions shortcut.
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