538 results found
Dispense to remove dashes from phone approval number if prepopulated from scanned eRx script
When an eRx has a phone approval number, it comes through to Fred with dashes. When dispensing, the script gets rejected because it gets submitted to Medicare with dashes. Script requires editing to remove dashes before submitting and getting accepted by PBS.
Pharmacy would like Dispense to remove the dashes when an eRx is scanned without having to manually do it themselves
4 votesThank you for your feedback
Print out the script image from Fred Dispense Plus
Users have expressed the need to print out the script image of Methadone eScripts directly from Fred Dispense Plus, as some stores maintain physical copies of these images in their DD book. This would be a more convenient option compared to taking screenshots of MedView embedded and then printing them out separately.
4 votesThank you for your feedback
Change final check barcode to QR code
Please change the final check barcode on the dispensing label to a QR code. Fred Plus already has this function built in, and it will make it infinitely easier to scan!
4 votesThank you for your feedback
Ability to arrange Facility Reports in patient last name alphabetical order
Have the option to choose to arrange a facility report grouped by doctors and arranged in patient last name alphabetical order. Eg. The Facility > new script required report
4 votesGood idea, thank you for your feedback
Long item description does not get printed on the label
When dispensing using "blank" line, description of an item can be very long. It appears that there is a limit of 58 characters for item description. The item description does not get printed fully on the label if the description is longer than 58 characters.
4 votesThank you for your feedback
Safety net
When the patient reached safety net, pharmacist need to enter SN or CN number prior to print out. Have the SN or CN number include on the PRF printout.
4 votesThank you, lets see what others think
Safety Net Tile Alert
Change the colour of the safety net tile if a safety net family is approaching safety net AND/OR provide an indicator of mixed family entitlements (where some family members may be general and some may be concession/DVA)
4 votesThank you, great idea
4 votes
"SCRIPTS ARE READY" button on the app bar
A BIG red button magically manifests on the app bar. This can simply be clicked/hit/pushed when the patient's order (all items) are ready to be collected.
Would be great for confidentiality, click and collect situations. READY message could include where to collect from, or other free text. The future could be NOW....4 votes -
General Dispensing flow
When displaying History after selecting patient, the panel on the right is locked and unable to click MyHR or MySL at all until Esc is pressed, to continue to the "dispensing screen"
When in dispensing screen, previous dispense history not showing adequate information (directions)
In terms of visual display middle panel (allergy, account, warnings, etc) takes up too much space. This could be minimised after collapsing/reducing size of top and right hand side banner, so that the more important visuals (dispensing details/ pt history) can be easily viewed.
Very inconvenient having to always have to "Esc" to switch from "history"…
4 votes -
Critical authority rejection warning
Users would like the system to highlight as Rejection rather than Warning when PBS returns the critical authority rejection warning, such as W150 (Authority prescription number provided not found in authority records), for a script so that it does not get missed.
4 votes -
Owing Mark Off Authority Script
When doing an owing mark off, you cant change the drug without changing to private. It asks for authority details, but if there are three lines for the one drug and the wrong one was selected when doing the owing, you can't change it easily. Should be able to go back and not forced to enter authority details first.
4 votes -
I would to see image of drug in the dispense screen
Would be really handy to see image of medicine brand on dispense screen or have a link to click to see an image - many patients ask for a tablet by it's shape/colour.
4 votes -
eScript hidden behind Authority script prompt
When dispensing e-script for Authority script -the pop up blocks the e-script and it cant be seen. Want to be able to see the script.
4 votesThanks for the suggestion, we'll look to include this in a future release
Change colour of Scripts with Warings on the Wait Screen
The Orange tile for a script with a warning is not prominent enough and these scripts are hard to find when in the PBS Online Windows.
The Blue used in classic was much easier to use to identify scripts that may need attentions particular Authority, Immediate supply and Duplicate Script warnings.4 votesThanks for the suggestion, we'll look to include this in a future release
A prompt for clearing diary notes
A user would like the system to prompt 'Are you sure?' after clicking the clear button in the diary note screen so that notes do not get cleared accidentally.
4 votesThanks for logging the idea!
Small label for multi-label product
Currently, a small label is printed only on the first label for multi-label products ( such as Symbicort 400mcg). The user would like the small label to print on every label for multi-label products.
4 votes -
Nursing Home Settings
Within the facilities, is it possible to to have uniform settings for all residents within the home? For example a setting to allow automatic printing of "new script required" reports when relevent?
4 votesThanks for the suggestion, we'll consider this for future releases.
Ability to include patients' Medicare and concession numbers on New Script Reminder and Owing Script reports
The user would like to have the ability to include patients' Medicare and concession number on New Script Reminder and Owing Script reports.
There should be a toggle option to include this information or not when generating the reports.
4 votesThanks for the suggestion - we'll look to include this in a future release
MVF embedded to show every escripts
Currently, MVF embedded only shows the first 5 escripts if the basket contains more than 5 escripts. It should show every single escripts no matter how many escripts are in the basket
4 votesThanks for the post, we’ll add it to the backlog of ideas
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