541 results found
Safety Net tile - Total Value is confusing
With the SN tile in FD+, the "total number" value is confusing - should say Rx that count towards SN total count vs total count
3 votesThanks for the suggestion, we'll look to include this in a future release
A prompt for clearing diary notes
A user would like the system to prompt 'Are you sure?' after clicking the clear button in the diary note screen so that notes do not get cleared accidentally.
4 votesThanks for logging the idea!
Set and Reset drugs/doctors/patients ranking
There is an option for reporting drugs ranking, but there isn't any option to set or reset the drug ranking from a previous report (similar to FRED classic).
2 votes -
History display sort chronology confusing
Instances where if multiple meds dispensed on same day, the sorting or the chronology of the dispensed order becomes top down, in a whole list of history that is sorted down up, causing some confusions.
3 votesThanks for the suggestion, we'll look to include this in a future release
Real-time updates on all terminals
Any idea when real-time messaging on all terminals will happen. By real-time I mean
1. Claim tile changing to green when someone on another terminal fixes the issue or, indeed, to reflect the current status of the claim
2. The eRx queue
3. The dispense list (wait screen)etc
10 votesThanks for the suggestion - we'll consider this in our future planning.
System to always highlight the default mark up in Pricing Details screen
When the user dispenses a private script and tabs across to the patient price field, the Pricing Details screen opens up. In this screen, the system automatically highlights the line with the lowest markup and changes the patient price to that price.
Users would like the system to always highlight the default markup line so that the patient price stays at that default price when accessing the Pricing Details screen.
1 vote -
Restore FRED dispensing Classic printing information for both label and repeat.
Restore FRED dispensing Classic printing information for both label and repeat.
The new repeat and label formats are:
1. hard to read and messy
2. do not have wholesaler PDE
3. take more room (need more than 1 label for the same information)2 votesThanks for the idea
Wildcard drug search
Hi all
Might be worthwhile checking for a null wildcard drug search (%%) as such a search leads to a time-out.1 vote -
Bypass Patient Maintenance screen when exiting sub-menus
Bypass "Patient Maintenance" screen (F8) once exiting a sub-menu such as the 'Extra details' or 'Patient Reports' tiles. This is particular preferred when said sub-menu is accessed from the initial dispense screen
3 votes -
Repeats Remaining
When looking at the repeats remaining screen (F3 shortcut) if there are no repeats remaining can you please say "No repeats remaining" so we know for sure and not mistake the blank screen thinking repeats remaining are still loading
6 votes -
Address change for all family members
Would it be possible to change the address for all members of a family (as per Fred Classic)?
13 votesThanks for the post, we’ll add it to the backlog of items
After update
On some PCs after a successful upgrade the Blue background "Upgraded" notice remains.
1 vote -
I want to change font size on label for PBS serial Number and Repeat No printed on rpt form
I want to change/modify font size on script label for PBS serial Number and also Repeat No printed on rpt form - to make larger
6 votes -
Patient's name gets truncated in MVF embedded
MVF embedded in Fred Dispense Plus displays up to 15 letters of the patient's name. If the patient's name is longer than this, the displayed name gets truncated. MVF embedded should always show the full name of the patient.
1 vote -
Option to print patient's facility on repeat scripts
Users would like to be able to display a patient's Facility on the repeat paperwork.
5 votesThanks for the suggestion, we'll look to include this in a future release
Space bar to clear default repeat available
Allow the user to use the space bar to clear the default number of repeats - similar to FRED classic.
1 vote -
Changing quantity and repeats remaining on an Eprescription
Sometimes patients request to get a smaller quantity with an increased number of repeats compared to what Dr prescribes. (eg, Dr prescribes qty 30 with 0 repeats, but patient asks pharmacy to dispense qty 10 with 2 repeats)
Currently, in such a scenario, details on the eRx message are not updated with new quantity and repeats remaining. This causes an issue, especially when dispensing outside repeat eScripts with such change.
To prevent the issue, the system should block the repeats fields from being edited on ePrescrition.
8 votesWe'll investigate how this can be done for an ePrescription
Ability to add own allergies
Some allergies, such as Elastoplast, are not included in the current list of allergies within Fred Plus. The user would like to have the ability to "free type"/add their own allergies.
10 votes -
option to don't discount $1 co payment for premium brand drugs
Have an option like in FRED to only discount the co payment $1 for drugs with no brand premium.
1 voteWe're looking to implement this functionality in an upcoming release
Small label for multi-label product
Currently, a small label is printed only on the first label for multi-label products ( such as Symbicort 400mcg). The user would like the small label to print on every label for multi-label products.
4 votes
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